A snow day! || Lynchburg, VA Photographer

Oh my goodness! It finally happened! Lynchburg got our snow day- enough to sled in, play in, make snow shakes, and get a couple of days off of school. Now, I am the first to say I am so ready for routine to be back in our lives (after 2 weeks off for Christmas Break, cancelled school for cold weather & ice, MLK Jr Day, and then the snow days, it feels like we're never getting back on a schedule!) but true snow days, with more than 2 inches of snow, are super rare for Central Virginia- making them A LOT of fun! 

Emerson and her neighborhood friends had a BLAST and stayed outside pretty much all day. I made her come in for lunch and a little bit of rest time and you would have thought the world was ending in our house! ;) It does make it super nice that she can get all the layers on by herself! 

We thoroughly enjoyed a lazy snow day- the fire stayed on almost all day, drank hot chocolate, and were super successful in making the house a disaster zone! But, totally worth it! I know these are the days that we'll talk about and remember for years and years to come! 


Lynchburg and Charlottesville Wedding and Portrait Photographer || www.ashleyeiban.com

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving the Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide.  Ashley is passionate about cultivating genuine relationships built on mutual understanding, trust and lasting friendship.  

Currently booking a limited number of wedding and portrait sessions for 2018.  Contact Ashley today for additional information! 

My January 2018 Goals & Planning || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer

It's just the first week of January, but somehow I was already feeling behind. I had been planning on working on my power sheets all last month, but with getting sick, taking some intentional time off, and spending time celebrating the holidays with my family, it just didn't get done.  I just kept thinking HOW can you start out the new year without having this all set up and ready- but let me tell you a secret! You can start whenever! It does not have to be January 1st! ;) 

So, I've been plugging along on my power sheets this week- it's going to be a much different year for us, preparing for baby, welcoming a new baby and intentionally taking much less on with weddings and photoshoots this year.  It started with me really needing to re-evaluate our financial goals and needs for the year, and defining my definition of success based on what's best for me and my family. The last few years, that was shooting 20-25 weddings and multiple engagements and family sessions a month.  This year, it looks more like 12 weddings overall and scheduling all Sunday's off. Taking some time off to rest & recover after baby, and really just enjoy my family and learn these transitions.  

lynchburg wedding and portrait photographer || 2018 goal planning

My word(s) for 2018 are NOURISH and NURTURE.  Yes, I know most people just choose one word, but these both really stood out to me for this stage in my life.  

Some of my big goals for the year are: 

-To Simplify. I want to simplify our home, my workflow, our day to day schedule. Things need to be clean, tidy, and simple when baby comes along! 

-Wellness. I know, this is on everyone's list in the new year... but it looks a little bit differently for me. I want to focus on being healthy mentally for this birth. To keep positive around birth, and be prepared as I can be with the exercises our amazing doula gave us to do! 

-Allowing myself grace. Trust me, I know that EVERYTHING is going to change in a few short months, so allowing myself grace is going to be so important. I need to allow myself grace to take a nap if I'm feeling so exhausted, if dinner doesn't always get done, etc.  I'm not very good at this one, so I have a feeling this is going to be quite the learning year! ;) 

2018 Goals and Planning || Lynchburg Wedding and Portrait Photographer

So, now I want to know, what's your word of the year? What are your 2018 goals and what are you planning on working on first? 

A little December Snow! Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer

I'm just a little jealous of the east coast and where we grew up today! It's SO cold and windy here, yet they're getting all the gorgeous snow! I am NOT a fan of the cold weather, but if it's going to be this frigid, there needs to be some snow so we have an excuse to stay home and snuggle! ;) And eat all the junk food. 

A few weeks ago, Lynchburg got a beautiful surprise and a little bit of snow- which is so early for this area in this season! It truly added a whole level of Christmas Spirit! We normally don't get snow in Central Virginia until later January and February, so having it early was magical! Plus, it didn't stick around too much so the roads were clear and safe! I know I'm super late in posting these, but I'm just sharing as I am there in the snow in spirit! ;) 

A big shoutout to Michael who had a great attitude and didn't once complain about the fact I was making us late to leave (we were heading to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens!!) and he kindly found something for me to set my camera on, helped set up the self-timer, and still had a smile on his face. He's a keeper, I'm telling ya! (PS: Emmie is in her Jammies because we had JUST gotten back from Santa mini's with Liz Cook Photography!) 

So, I want to know! Do you have snow where you're at? I mean, even Florida has snow right now and Virginia doesn't! What is going on?! Send me photos and some warm, cozy days where the family is off! ;) And then send summer!! 

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Friends! I am so thankful for your support of my family and small business! 

Lynchburg Wedding and Family Photographer || www.ashleyeiban.com

Christmas Fun! Lynchburg Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Well, I didn't get our family Christmas Cards done this year- the first time in the 10 years that we've been married! But sometimes, life, busy seasons, and pregnancy do that to you! We did have a lot of Christmas fun this year- visited Santa, went to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, made WAY too many cookies, saw classical concerts, and just truly enjoyed our family time together.  This is Emerson's first year in school, so it was so fun to have her back at home for a bit to hang out, make hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, and watch Christmas movies! 

I kept my camera packed away for the most part this season, but here are a few photos from my cell phone along our Christmas journey! 




All of the Santa photos are from the amazing Liz Cook Photography here in Lynchburg, Virginia! LOVED her Santa experience again this year!