lynchburg fam

Halloween 2019 || Eiban Family Celebration

Well, Halloween 2019 looked a lot different than years past, thanks to a huge storm that hit Central Virginia! We dressed up, got some photos, and knocked on a handful of neighbors doors before the rain started, we headed home and instead watched Harry Potter. So, while it looked a little different than our traditions years past, it was still fun, and plenty of memories made!

We let Emmie pick the Halloween costumes for her & Sully this year- she has been loving watching the Avengers Movies with Michael the past few weeks, and picked Black Widow for herself, and Captain America for Sully. I’ll admit, I had never even heard of Black Widow before, but we found a costume and the kids looked adorable. Sully hated wearing his mask, but after some persuasion, we got a few photos with him wearing it. And by persuasion, I mean, pinning him down and very quickly snapping photos ;)