For creatives

Almost 7 years ago, I was blindly going through trying to build my business, learn the beginning stages of booking clients, learn more about the ever-changing world of marketing & social media, and everything else small business ownership brings along. I am so thankful for those that opened up their hearts to me and gladly answered my questions, offered encouragement, and helped me grow and build my business. I would not be where I am today without the amazing help and mentorship I've received over the years. 

Help your ideal client connect personally with you. So much more than head shots, branding sessions provide you with a full gallery of images for your website, marketing, and social media pages. Branding your business as a small business owner is the emotional connection you with potential and current clients. One hour sessions in your office, workshop, or home. 


In this day and age of social media, head shots have taken an entirely new role in promoting your business. Head shots & team photos show you at your best & gives potential clients a face to your name that conveys professionalism, your personality before even meeting in person. Head shot and team portrait sessions range from 15 minutes to one hour, depending on your specific needs. 


6 years ago, I was blindly trying to build my business. Mentorship Packages are for small business owners and photographers at any skill level. This is a chance for us to sit down- in person or over Skype, to go through your business, any questions you may have, and to brainstorm and discuss action plans that are unique to you and your business. Mentorship Sessions begin at one hour.